Sunday, January 13, 2013

Misty Grey and Drunken Chicken

All weekend here was grey, misty, and sunless.  As I did the field walk, I felt sure that I would run into Daphne du Maurier who used to wander her beloved moors for hours.

Read more about her moor wandering
in this good book

Or, that I would run into the Hound of the Baskervilles.

It was that kind of weekend weather wise.

Otherwise, a surprise call from some friends who were driving up from Connecticut to bring their son back to school.  We invited them to stop by for a late lunch.  What to make?

I had been given Bunny Williams' An Affair with a House for Christmas and thought that the Portuguese Drunken Chicken sounded simple and delicious when I first read it.  What better opportunity to try?

See page 126
Easy to make with
all the ingredients readily in the house
Just add candles and a splash of wine to combat the misty grey and all will be cozy and well.

But, oh no!  No dessert on hand!  While I chopped vegetables, Mr. Weston was dispatched to Trader Joe's and came back with this.

Made in France
Proved to be pretty tasty
A perfect meal with friends prompted by the occasion rather than planned in advance.