Monday, September 29, 2014

Another Try at the Old Blog

Well, it seems like I am going to give this old blog another try.  It has been almost a year since I rambled on about appropriate work attire for women in my last post - but what a year it has been.  Am loving the new job and am doing another graduate degree - my employer very generously pays for it.  Despite the absolute torture of APA citations, I love it.

The classes are online and I must admit that this modality was an acquired taste. But I do like the fact that that my student colleagues are from every where and have offered interesting perspectives that are new to me.

The books that I've had to read include:

How Colleges Work: The Cybernetics of Academic Organization and Leadership  by Robert Birnbaum - Can't fib, I found the first few chapters to be snoozers but then it got much better.

A History of American Higher Education by John Thelin - Love history.  Loved this.

It's Not What You Sell, It's What You Stand For:  Why Every Extraordinary Business is Driven by Purpose by Roy Spense - a friend in Austin works for GSD&M.  I was able to get the inside scoop and do really well on the project related to this book.

Right now I am in case study heaven/hell, so a little creativity via this blog will be just the thing.